About This Blog

Of all the literary devices in an author's toolbox, none can be as confusing to the uninformed as the "metaphor", which is a direct comparison, or "simile", a comparison using the words 'like', or 'as'. Often, when the reference is uncommon or vague, the reader is left thinking "huh?"

Daniel Ruth, a well-known Tampa Tribune columnist, has a habit of over-using these devices to such extent that many readers only begin to understand the full comedic content of his columns.

We here at DRMW believe that there hasn't been as much head-scratching since Dennis Miller co-hosted 'Monday Night Football.'

To correct this deficiency, we resolve to clarify any obscure references and allow Ruth's humor to shine forth in all its glory. We do the research, so you don't have to!

We hope there will be something here for everyone, from Emo-kids to aging acid-heads, from Ivy-league matriculated to government-school edjamicated, from casual readers to bathroom-stall scholars. For those of you who need to find errors in everything, we put a few mistakes in as well. Just have fun. Let the dissection begin!

Unfortunately, Mr. Ruth is no longer with the Tampa Tribune, therefore updates will no longer be written. This blog is preserved for demonstration purposes only.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Wise Man Knows When to Run Away

Original column by Daniel Ruth, The Tampa Tribune

What He Wrote: "...Visions of the limo coo-coo-ca-choo scene between Kevin Costner and Sean Young from "No Way Out..."
Obscure Reference: In the 1987 film, the characters played by Kevin Costner and Sean Young take a limo back from a State Dept. function, and can't wait to get home to have sex. Literally. Can't wait. Steamy.

What He Wrote: "...that night at the old Malio's..."
Obscure Reference: Malio's is a now-defunct steakhouse in Tampa Fl, where the city's movers and shakers could frequently be seen.

What He Wrote: "...found love in a time of pasties ..."
Obscure Reference: Pasties are adhesive coverings applied to cover a person's nipples. The concept of 'pasties' is to reveal as much of the breast as possible without being entirely topless. Many exotic dancers wear them in strip clubs as required by law.

What He Wrote: "...Christy Yamanaka is the Barbie Doll of Bankruptcy."
Obscure Reference: Barbie dolls have been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for nearly fifty years, and have been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, often involving parody of the doll and her lifestyle. Bankruptcy is a legal proceeding where the petitioner asks the courts for redress or restructuring of outstanding debts which cannot be readily paid.

What He Wrote: "... Duh! Ipso Facto Dufus?"
Obscure Reference: Ipso facto is a Latin phrase, directly translated as 'by the deed itself', which means that a certain effect is a direct consequence of the action in question. In law, this phrase is frequently employed to convey the idea that something which has been done contrary to law is automatically void. 'Doofus Drake' is a character created by The Walt Disney Company exclusively for the animated television show DuckTales. Doofus is a friend of Huey, Dewey and Louie. Doofus was a rather dim-witted and clumsy character.

What He Wrote: "...ad for something called "The Emperor's Club."
Obscure Reference: Strip clubs are frequently known as 'gentlemen's clubs' having exotic sounding names.

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